Location and contact

Location and contact


Puedes llegar a los Galpones por la autovía A-8 tomando la salida Nº 477 in the direction of Navia and once you have passed the bridge over the river , con dirección a Coruña, take the first deviation to the left along the regional AS-12 direction BOAL. A 1,5 KM along this road you will find the sign of Rural Tourism Accommodation of San Esteban where Los Galpones are located.

Distances of interest:

Oviedo, Gijon and Aviles: 1 hour

Airport: 50 minutes

A Coruña: 2 hours

If you are interested in requesting a reservation, learn more about our apartments or have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us via our phone or email or through the form on the right..

San Esteban s/n
33795 · Coaña (Asturias)
639 91 42 47
639 78 45 23
GPS Coordinates
43º 31 '46.7 ¨ N / 6º 43‘ 56,25¨ W
Coordinates Google
43.529575, - 6.732291